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We always think one step ahead

Pressure vessels with their heads screwed on

We have developed modern and reliable valve heads specifically for use as pressure vessel fittings. They can be installed on starting air, emergency air and working air reservoirs, etc., and are available in rated widths of DN 38, DN 50 and DN 80. The design of the DN 38 valve head complies with DIN 6276. The shut-off, safety and control fittings are located centrally and in one space-saving housing on the valve head.


Nominal diameter DN 38
Using one's head

All of the valve heads from Neuenhauser Kompressorenbau GmbH are in-house productions that are designed for optimal use when subjected to alternating pressure stresses. The use of plastic materials for the valve seats guarantees a perfect seal at a low contact pressure. The valves are mounted on the vessel's respective companion flange with an intermediate layer consisting of a seal with special headless bolts and nuts. Certification by all maritime classification bodies guarantees safe and conformant implementation. The fittings are marked with the respective permissible operating pressure and temperature range, and are given a separate serial number that is independent of the vessel. All necessary replacement parts are in stock, and can be immediately supplied by us around the globe.

  • Factory acceptance test after completion of the valve head
  • The DN 38 valve head is also available in stainless steel
  • The valve heads can be supplied with the desired acceptances/certificates


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